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Of the Day

Today's Quote
  • Jean de La Fontaine
    "Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish."
This Day in History - HISTORY
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Today I Found Out
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • hagiography

    Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for February 12, 2025 is:

    hagiography • \hag-ee-AH-gruh-fee\  • noun

    Hagiography is biography that idealizes or idolizes a person and their life.

    // The book gives a good idea of his virtues without resorting to hagiography.

    See the entry >


    "The sisters’ show can sometimes feel like hagiography; there is little discussion of Basquiat’s demons or the aspects of his home life that may have been difficult." — Robin Pogrebin, The New York Times, 9 Apr. 2022

    Did you know?

    The second part of hagiography is familiar: the combining form -graphy, which comes from the Greek verb graphein, meaning "to write," is found in biography and calligraphy (among many others) too. Hagio-, however, is more unusual; it comes from a Greek word that meant "holy, sacred" in Ancient Greek and more recently "saintly," by way of the term Hagiographa, another name for the Ketuvim, the third part of the Jewish Scriptures. English's hagiography can refer to biography of actual saints, but it is more typically applied to biography that treats ordinary human subjects as if they were saints.

Audio Poem of the Day
  • God

    By Christian J. Collier


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