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Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • inviolable

    Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day for April 29, 2024 is:

    inviolable • \in-VYE-uh-luh-bul\  • adjective

    Inviolable is a formal term that is used to describe something too important to be ignored or treated with disrespect.

    // She considers herself a person with inviolable moral standards.

    See the entry >


    "Under international law, humans possess an inviolable right to freedom of thought. As part of this, governments have a duty to create an environment where people can think freely." — Simon McCarthy-Jones, The Conversation, 27 Sept. 2023

    Did you know?

    Inviolable is a venerable word that has been with us since the 15th century. Its opposite, violable ("capable of being or likely to be violated"), appeared in the following century. The 17th century English playwright Shackerley Marmion made good use of violable in A Fine Companion, writing, "Alas, my heart is Tender and violable with the least weapon Sorrow can dart at me." But English speakers have never warmed up to that word the way we have to inviolable, and it continues to be used much less frequently. Both terms descend from the Latin verb violare, which both shares the meaning with, and is an ancestor of, the English word violate.

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